Holy Monastery of Saint Nektarios - Trikorfo Fokidos Greece
Our journey to Pascha (Monastic Expression magazine - March/April 2009)

Our journey into Great Lent is basically for us, our own need to want Christ. It mainly depicts our journey of our own life; it's an uphill journey or rather our ascending towards the Light of God. Uphill yes, but at the same time a pious journey to Jesus. This sweet name is offered to us and gives us everything, without us ever giving Him something sweet in return.

The one God, my Jesus, who loves me, who continuously looks over me and takes care of me and pours out all His goodness upon me. We all look casually left and right searching for paths that lead us to no where. He still offers Himself to us and He gives us everything, but never offering something for Himself. But the one God, Jesus gives us His hand, His embrace that is full of love and waits for us.

How often do we realize that the only thing needful for us is Christ? Blessed is the man that has already begun his journey towards Him, towards Jesus. Blessed is he who lived through Pascha and the Resurrection with all its meaning: to be united with Christ, struggling against the passions and sins that divide him from God. Blessed is he that became a burning candle with the love of Jesus, the crucified and resurrected Jesus.

He is the person that can shout with with all his body and soul: "Christ Has Risen"!! Because he was truly resurrected with Him…A good resurrection to us all.